Enabling youths to discover the right thing to do next to build future opportunities.
The Youths Innovation Labs (YIL) is a global online smart mentorship and support program that will transform youths to extraordinary talent able to discover future opportunities through creative thinking, designed to bring them together with local people to collaborate and crowdsource amazing social-business ideas.
Through YIL, youths will develop new talents to build self-awareness and discover-the-next-right-thing-to-do for career and business to become relevant to the future of work and business and discover career or business options.
TEL online mentoring and support activities will help youths come-up with creative ideas that are meaningful and relevant to people and business, based on real-time-ground-reality opportunities.
YIL will show participants how to:
1. Stay motivated and productive.
2. Connect and engage with people.
3. Discover peoples' aspirations and market future needs.
4. Create relevant and viable opportunities.
4. Become in demand with desirable ideas for business success.
YIL is a reliable source for creative ideas to futureproof trainees' career or business by collaborating with others from around the world to discover and validate innovative ideas.
TEL provides a ready source of fresh ideas, from talent groups that are free of the biases and preconceived notions that would constrain creativity.
Creating Mindset for the Future Talents:
Innovation labs (to discover the right thing to do next):
4-days - 4 hours per day.
Upon successful completion, you will receive a Certificate of Completion to show the experience and value they have acquired.
Upon successful completion, you will receive lifetime online community support to help you find help whenever you need it throughout their career.
Youths Innovation Labs (YIL) is a socially responsible platform that will enable industry partners to discover early on future recruits who are self-aware innovative youths (14-18 years old) capable of crowdsourcing innovative ideas. Through YIL, industry partners will be helping youths to start seeing a brighter future and to start planning early for a successful career.
Engage NOW with your business future talents.
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